Iran: Hundreds of worshippers attend Ashura commemoration in Tehran

Iran was not always like this, how a culture traverse backwards in a short amount of time when Evil comes for visit, although I must say the Iranian people have resisted pretty good under such pressure, what you people are seeing from the eyes of videos from Iran is almost for the most part sanctioned in one way or the other by this 10% of religious fanatics of which I would say, 90% are innocent themselves, they grew up in this cult and dont know better, its the 10% of the 10%v I take an issue with, they are the instigators the corrupt ones and they brainwashed these mainly low educated ones to do their bidding, and now these less educated ones their kids are educated smarter and see through the facade of their fathers and they are leaving the cult, so the mollas has to look elsewhere for manpower, so they bring people from outside and many of these you see in the video I dont believe half of them are even Iranians.

I say this again, the mollas are directly in cahoots with Satan, its that serious.
