Iran is building a strategic network of religious centers in Latin America

The mollas are opening spy centers in Latin America people should be aware of it.

What I rarely cannot get my mind around are the converts to different mainstream religions, something we must keep reminding people of faith what they actually believe in, what the basics of all Abrahamic faiths are, the basics are, there is an Almighty Creator, and there is a Devil this individual, the stories mentioned in all Holy Books is meant for people to get the basics, one of the basics is that the Devil is active at all higher courts, every single one of them, this is what Scripture is letting you know about, that you should be vigilant observant of deception and that no one of us walks safe with this Evil around, here the thing friends, if you now want to convert to lets say Christianity and if you like the message of Jesus then do NOT convert to any of these many denominations around, currently a couple of hundreds of them, its confusing I know, but the message of Jesus is still there for you to read and to understand for yourself, if you want to be a Christian then be one without any attachments to it, because you know if you have read your Scripture right that there is a enormous risk for you to go astray if you happen to choose one of these many denominations, you are safer as a true Christian on your own, the same has to be said about the Muslims and to the new converts, and here is again what I cannot get my mind around with these new converts to in this case Islam, some in the ace of this Latin gentleman that converted to shiaism, went to Iran to suddy, more like getting brainwashed, then head back to Latin America to spread this shiams business, because an enterprise and a satanic criminal one is what it actually is and I am going to explain further, let say you are a Christian who wants to convert to Islam because you heard some things that made sense to you, as a Christian, you know as well as I that the Devil is active at all places of power, anything organized, the Luciferians have their people there, so what makes you think when you have been disappointed of your previous religion that the new one is pure of sins and never been touched, what makes you sure of that, or is it not more like this onew one has got the same treatment like the one you left, I would say, this is exactly the case, and I have posted videos of the shias and what they are about too, other than the things put in your head, Islam like Christianity of Judaism never were the problem, their many sects are, in fact 99,99% of them all are, and the 00,01%, I left was because I dont know 100% of them so I cant speak for everything out there, what I know is, every single of those I know of are rotten to their core, in the case of the mollas, they are manufacturing synthetic drugs in Iran long side the hundreds of tons of heroin or thousands of tons exported to the west gets thought Iran, like the old Shahs sister who was in total control of the heroin trade today the mollas have taken over that business, so not much has changed, and like the family of these corrupt Shah whom most of his kids died of heroin overdose themselves and almost got wiped that whole family out, the same will happen to the mollas as well, the truth of the matter is, I have seen the criminal activities of the mollas and I am not the only one, millions of others are aware of it too, religion has nothing to do with anything, they are using you to advance their own satanic agenda, they have pedophile rings doing as they pleases in Iran and so much more, and how many of the Iranians have their not murdered, Iran is a totalitarian police state, so is the religion this shiaism they represent, I mean if the whole System that harbors many factors like the main one according to themselves this shiaism business is the core of what they represent, if the system is brutal then as you can see their ideology is as well, so why would anyone in their right mind want to convert to this level of crazy, when the mollas has made the Iranians leave this shiaism in the tens of millions, then they must be replaced with other brainless naive dummies, so they seek recruitment from outside their own borders, I can give you an example that further proves my point, look at the so called Iranian fighters in Syria, 95% by God Almighty are young naive brainwashed Afghan poor boys, nobody can dispute this, Iranians are not stupid to go there and get killed for others interests so the mollas bring instead young uneducated brainwashed boys to die for their satanic agenda, if the Iranian people have lost hope in these demonic molla creatures, when how come you have, I know why, because you have been disappointed in those you trusted before, here is a very good tips for you new Muslim converts so pay close attention, when you have decided to convert to Islam, whatever you do, listen to me very carefully, do not change your name your parents gave you, God has started that you must respect your parents, so never change your name to some Arabic name, never change your appearances, do not start dressing like someone from the Middle East, and most important of all, never ever join any of these shia sunny sufi whatever denominations, if you do that you have never got the basics of what a intelligent Believer should be like, it could feel lonely at times because you want to share your new found enthusiasm with like minded folks, but do not rush into things, you know God is watching, why dont you ask Him for guidance, if He sees you worthy then He will surely be there for you, look friends I know this world is an upside down world right now, and it will get worse like that, because we have a lot of people that hear but do not listen, so things has to play out the way it is intended to, so I guess, it is what it is, right ????

I want to end with this tip for people of faith, only take in and analyze things you are sure you do understand, the things you do not understand, just leave it to be, it will come to you at some time but if you dive deep into the things you do not understand what you do is to theorize with no ground to stand on and God knows where you will end up at, only analyze about the aspects you do get and the other ones, let it be, I am sure all these different sects have their theories, and thats why there are hundreds of them and for you to choose the right the closest one to the correct one is very very slim, and you are not that lucky, there are billions of you unlucky ones out here, so keep things simple, if you want to convert to Judaism, only keep yourself to the Holy Torah and nothing else, nothing man made, you all know the problem with the Jews has always been, if you want to convert to Judaism, first of all no Jew practice just Judaism, they say they do but they dont, and I will prove it to you, anyone today who wants to convert to Judaism or perhaps you already a Jew but not a practicing one, what happens is that you will follow one of these many sects within the Jewish religious community and every single one of them have its own supreme rabbi, some of these sects are larger than others but over all, the Jews themselves are divided in countless of these different sects that teched different things, non is alike, and for the most part, they all despise one another too, with no contact whatsoever among these many sects, this is the state of the Jews today and in fact always has been, this is going on in all religions, because thats what happens when religions get organized, this is the main problem, this is what allows Evil to get a foothold in them, so how do you get around it, as I have said, if you ant to convert to Judaism to anything out there, keep it simple and keep your minds in nothing that is said by men, its over course, even educated people get confused when it comes to higher understandings, I am not saying there are none out there, what I am telling you is, when it get organized thats when they fall victim to Evil and you should be smart enough to stay as far as you can away from it, this is the best advice I can give to you, good luck :)
