Lara Trump on strategy for final stretch of Trump's campaign

At least people on the left are man enough to criticize our own while people on the right never ever criticize their own even they they shoot people to death, this is the difference between the left and the right now, and because the left is open with their internal criticisms, it goes to show, there is more hope of things getting better with the left in power because they dont shy away from self improvement, while the right believe they are perfect and there is nothing to improve on their front, so I am more hopeful things will get better with Joe Biden when he gets in the WH , because frankly speaking nothing will ever get better with this current administration, because they are not addressing the core of the problem but encourage more of the bad behaviour by some in the far rights, at least Joe Biden is trying to do something about it with concrete solutions while Mr Trump believes he has to go even more hard core cracking down on anythign that can be cracked open, this will and is making the situation only worse and thats why I say Mr Trumps proposals are outdated and ineffective, it just is, the way he has presented is NOT the mature way to continue into the future.

And how come Tiffany has not heard of herself to me, how cool would it be for her to show up here and say, hey you handsome Prince, I would like to take you on a date, with no camera no hidden mics no nothing, I just want you for myself, wouldnt it be nice if she came by and said all those things, look here is the thing, if Tiffany can convince her father to give up this bid for re elections or deliberately lost the elections on purpose, I would be willing to date her, I would definitely give it a try, the offer is on for three more months :)
