Mary Trump 'Repulsed And Heartbroken' After Uncle's RNC Speech | The 11t...

Look I have to admit, I watched the whole convention show, I mainly watched to see if Tiffany would be there, honestly half of it was made of peoples personal stories, nothing to do with policies but tried to play to peoples emotions which is a cheap shot, Ivankas speech there were no enthusiasm at all, often times it looked like people in the audience didnt seemed to be happy to see Ivanka up there, but the Trump campaign did the right thing not to invite Kushner because that would have been too risky, you dont know how people would react to Jared lol so that was good not to have him on, but I would say, Ivanka was a risky move too but she has a smile to her which the zombie baby face Kursher couldnt force himself to show some teeths, a genuine smile, you know like a human being, he just wouldnt, I dont know whats wrong with him, but I have to say, this looks good for our Uncle JOE :):)
