Ransacked Kenosha shop owner: This is not justice

This is you should always demonstrate at day time, this is good also to help protect private property to make sure people like this lady business owner doesnt come in between and lose everything , how is this justice ?? and here is what victims of these lootings these business owners and other viewers need to understand, there are poor people mainly young people that takes advantage of the situation and go on and and steal things, people shouldnt confuse even though it it easy to confuse whats going on by blaming it all for what some outside the movement are doing, so what can people inside the Movement do, they can help stay away at night so that these looters dont get encouraged and find their opportunity to go out mix with the peaceful demonstrators and do harm mainly to the cause, and I dont blame these victims and business owners when they say what they say, they should in my mind know better but we are all human beings in times of desperation we lash out, so please folks, do not participate in any late night protests make it less likely for these hooligans to find a chance to distract from the cause with their destructive behaviour, instead next day after what they have done reach out to these victims and explain whats behind this and who to blame and how you can help them, we cannot let these people distract us anymore, some of these misguided people are giving the other side the arguments they need to defeat us in the elections with slogans like defund the police, with how some of their leaders how militant they sound many times, leaving no room for the undecided votes to clearly make up their minds but instead pushing them away, its good tv for the far marxist left and some others but in reality this is not how you govern, our far left is the photocopy of people on the far right, I say we need a sound base not in the middle but around all the political spectrum, I personally run on issues, but right now, when I see the right never ever criticizing their own base or anything coming out of anyone really from their side as if everything is running smoothly, I cannot find myself in a movement that things there is nothing to improve on, so I am taking the side on the left, because here we at least have a conversation on how to improve things, the free thinkers are here at this side at least, here we dont worship our leaders, especially those with golden toilets saying they are God sent are Godly people God fearing people, we dont do that over here, we take another approach, here is where the action is, progress will come from here because we have discussions here.

Vote Biden Harris 2020 ! and calm things down, thank you.
