Secretary Of Failure

Kushner really messed up this one too, I think one of the reasons he is in government is to make enough money to pay off his debts for the 666 tower he bought, this guy he lives in another world with no attachments in this one, he so wants to prove himself that he has now managed to fuck everything up, what he is displaying is his authoritarian tendencies, because think about how arrogant one has to be to think just because he wants some kind of peace in the ME he can just sign a couple of papers with a couple of idiots in the ME and what do you know now we have peace, with no regards to how people would feel in the ground, if Kushner was in the shoes of one of these dictators like Princess Salma Bin Ugly, I believe Kushner would have been more ruthless, he would have said, hell with everybody I am the boss,, my words is law screw you all, thats what he would have said and done, and the word is, even losers like Princess Salma tells him what to do, and also the word is the real mastermind behind MBS is clown prince Zayed of UAE, this is a mess.
