Smerconish: Can civil unrest re-elect Donald Trump?

It is true that there are extremists in the protest movement that are damaging the image of the peaceful demonstrators and their cause, we also know there are far right agitators stoking trouble masquerading as the other side, all this is hurting the Biden campaign, I propose the ending of protests ! just concentrate on the elections and voting, nothing else, its three months left and things can go Trumps way if these violent protesters continue with what they are doing, if I were you I would stop demonstrating all together or as I have suggested before, if you feel you need to do something, then go at day time and clean up where these losers has destroyed, look friends, like in this video clip with a demonstrator has to apologize for the havoc other demonstrators has caused, my question for you is, you shouldnt even be there, the 'optimal' picture would have been to see as little people on the streets even at night especially at night so that the cops can arrest these thugs damaging public and private property, clear the streets and make the job for the cops easier, with more people on the streets it portrait the picture Trump is seeking to show, do not help him with that, stay at home at night, do NOT bere at the crime scene for you to apologize for it, your voice is more affected with you staying at home go on line and spread the right message, I cannot emphasize more than this.

We MUST stand apart form any crazies, so what categorize a crazy, I will tell you, I have seen countless of street interviews of so called community leaders young ones not senior ones but younger people, mainly African American ones, when they are asked what they have to say about burning stores the answer I oftentimes hear is...what is the worth of a store burnt down compared to loss of a life... I hear this too often, here is the thing, if you reason like this absolutely irrational the two things has nothing to do with each other but in your mind it does, then you must be a walking talking shitkicking zombie, people like these should never be broadcast on air but needs to be marginalized, you are hurting a third party and in your damn mind this is all interconnected, I hear from these black so called community leaders saying these things, this is how you recognize a lunatic, do not pay attention to these but ignore them as much as you can and let others know.

And yes, these images with chaos is benefitting Trump, WTH is the matter with some of you, I do NOT support the BLM organization, I actually stopped doing so a couple of years ago, they have in fact marxists in their higher ranks, marxism is a CULT, yes as cultish as a cult can get, its a cult with an agenda they are using the movement for their own gains, and the vast majority of you do not know about their plans, you think they are doing you good but like anything marxism has touched it has destroyed, marxism is totalitarianism, do not thing for a moment that the American version of marxism is a settled one, it will NOT, these marxist leaders are (trained) nurtured then let loose to divide further till they get large enough to be self sustaining, this is what the mollas did too, in the early stages of the 1979 revolution, the mollas like the marxists in the US were the best organized along with their sisters the MKO MEK and the original marxist among other less organized groups, but the mollas were the leading group the most visible and ohh my God they made promises saying things like they want full and fair democracy, they promised if they got elected they would make gas free for the Iranian citizens and many other promises made, but as soon as people started to support them more strongly, then they grew out of proportion and pushed aside every other, I can promise you if the MEK MKO or the marxist had the chance to do what the mollas did, they would do the exact same things, make no mistake of it, the mollas know its sister the MEK MKO and these other thugs, they know one another very well, they know there is no honor among fellow criminals, they were no fools the mollas that is, they did what would have been happen if they didnt do it themselves, it all goes to show, what they all stood for is not the words coming out of their mouths, its the opposite, its always the opposite, so I do not support the BLM movement because its just too destructive and the reason is, it has been infected, its sick it doesnt feel well and its words is not worth listening to because its harming the cause they say they are fighting for, I am for the black people more than these BLM so called leaders, make no mistake, I actually want to solve the issue once and for all, and I dont see them solving anything but as you can see, the movement is doing worse and worse by the day, its a sinking ship and this thanks to its leaders, I say this to my black brothers and sisters, you need to stand apart from these lunies, because you are better than these who doesnt know how to go about things, they are pulling us all down with the things they do, the solution is simple friends, very very simple, its super simple, to start with, no night time protests, only day time peaceful demonstrations, and when you hear lunies being too extreme shut them aside and do it as soon as you can, in other words, BE A FORCE FOR GOOD !!
