Speaker Pelosi: Postmaster General Is The 'Wrong Person For The Job' | A...

Cool, I didnt knew former presidents were Post Masters too, that gives meaning to the struggle a whole nother meaning to actually save the USPS, what is not cool is this president going against tradition going against all other 44 presidents before him and what they stood for, Mr Trump has to be the worst president in US history and the thing is, he doesnt seems to understand how much he has disdained  the reputation of future Trumps, if his kids manage to clean up the mess after their father then I would commend them for that, because it wont be an easy job I think, he is not leaving a proudful legacy to his children, you know there are many historical evidence that shows after the patriarchy in a family passes away, the family around him falls apart from that point never to recover again, and thats the end of that story, and I think when Mr Trump passes away so will the glue that kept the Trump children together and will also fall apart, we have seen it happen over and over again, it takes alot of intelligence to structure a family from getgo to stay together even after when the patriarchy is gone, Mr Trump doesnt have those skills, he grew up like in the nest of birds, where from the beginning the chicks had to push out their siblings to survive, and Mr Trump was the one who ate everyone else up, so he was raised, so he treated his own kids, he is not a unifier he is a kind of person that benefits from chaos, he is not a unifier, Uncle Joe is, he is a unifier, do the right thing and vote for him !

Joe Biden Kamala Harris 2020 !
