WATCH: Kenosha County Board holds news conference on Jacob Blake protests

I suggest there are to be two different kind of demonstrators, those who wear black for the night to arrive so they can go wild doing no good to anyone in fact distract from the real issue at hands and on the other hand I suggest demonstrators that are there to actually make a change be a force for good should wear white clothings and respect the curfew at seven o'clock and clear the streets and differentiate themselves from those who think if they burn down peoples properties will do the Movement any favors, I have always said, demonstrating is a day time thing, not a night time thing, at night you go home and attend to your family matters your own personal matters and on the day you go out and protest all you want, and while you do that, you dont close off any streets you dont hinder anyone to get where they were getting to, you will do nothing that disturb people or keeping it to an absolute minimum and if you want real mass media attention, as peaceful demonstrators if may God forbid something like this happens, you and your fellow demonstrators go to the street of the victime, dust it off, do anything to make that street look better than it was or why dont you name the street after the victim of the family, I am sure the Mayor wouldnt mind, the point is, you do all these things at day time, you guys need to show how peaceful protests look like, people have not seen it yet, people have seen destruction fires and chaos, so it has to have a flip side to it that could look totally different, and you need to organize and show how its done, I cant even believe nobody has started with this to be honest, it would have grabbed all mass medias attention, its a new thing, nobody has done it, you can be first with it then others will join and do the same and before you know it, its revolution baby :):)
