Why Trump embracing QAnon is so dangerous

The main reason why QAnon people and the mainstream media cannot mix or even get close and have an understanding is because with some good valid reasons, the mainstream media cannot go where conspiracy theory people wants to take them, they wont go there even close to it, so this just enflaimes the conspiracy people and dives them even more apart, the gap is widening by the day, and in my view this is not good, so this whole thing with there could be no understanding between these two groups is why things just wont get better anytime soon, I think religion can be of help here, because what is one of the ten commandments, thou shall not bear false witness, this is scripture, so if people from both parties actually followed what their own scriptures are telling them we wouldnt have these problems, my job is to remind you and hopefully go back to your own faiths and take take a look whats stated there for you, nowadays faith in God and Scripture has become nothing little more than an empty word, I was talking to this very conservative elderly gentleman a Trump support, he never said it but I am pretty sure he follows this QAnon thing to the letter too, but overall a very polite friendly pleasant person to share ideas with, and this gentleman is also a Christian of what denomination I dont know I never asked, but on the question of abortion he said he believed a fetus is considered a human being at the moment of conception, and he said his holy text said that, I argued after 90 days the fetus is considered a living human being, but myself I know there is nowhere in the Holy Bible is that being said or even close to it, its something this gentleman has heard from somewhere and how he believes this is scripture, and before we started the conversation he said, Joe Biden is a pedo and Hillary then Podesta then well any Democrat really, so basically the man believed the Dems are the devil worshipers and the Reps are here to save America, you know who I blame here, those who are brainwashing half of the American people that the other half want to suck your blood dry kill your babies and enslave you and make you work for free for them.

I just hope our younger generation is both smarter and wiser than the old folks, I rest our future on the backs of the youth, the old guys they grewed just about everything up, they lived a good life, and now the bills for that is left to you my dear youth, oh poor you lol but it doesnt have to be that way, we can have even more than the old folks had, and much much more if we got our acts together, going back to this QAnon and other people like these, I recommend people got a little bit more God fearing, and stop spreading rumors you are not sure of if its true or not, in the Age of Deception technology has been found that can through video editing make you change how you perceive alternative facts in any way the editor wants you to believe, this has been mentioned in prophecies that will occur in the Age of Deception, totally true guys ;)

Again go back to your own religions and do those ten things guys, there are ten things you have to get done to get on the right track only ten things, write them down and check how many you have cleared and follow up on those you still have some work to do on, good luck :)

Vote Biden Harris 2020 !
