Young academic accused of spying imprisoned in Iran for over 700 days | ...

Look Iran is a police state alright, a police state as a police state can get with its current resources, if it had more it would have only become worse, these regimes are directly anti God and pro Satan, it only take in a police state for you to criticize the regime or say something to a regime stakeholder they dont like to hear and you are in deep trouble, Kelly is lucky she is not an Iranian or she would have disappeared long ago,look we are not talking about rational people when it comes to matters like this, I believe they are rational and not go nuclear because of the reasons I have talked about before, but when it comes to domestic affairs then they are brutal, I mean they would kill you mercilessly, these people are sadistic I am telling you, they are a nicer version of ISIL, see them like this, to a similar point, the cult leader of hezbola Nasrala in a video threatened to pick any Israeli soldier and kill him or her, this is a threat of terrorism and murder, yet his political party is allowed to be part of the Lebanese government and they expect us to take them seriously the Lebanese corrupt to its core government, run by warlords, I say, if Lebanese government want the world to take it seriously and if hezbola as a political party wants to participate in elections, they must denounce their warlord of a leader whom has openly threatened to have people murdered and is considered a terrorist leader, and if hezbola as a political party do not reject Nasrala, the whole Lebanese government must be held accountable, because we cannot legitimize a knows wanted terrorist leader around the table or any of his associates, whats next, now we have accepted wanted terrorist leaders around the table, whats next I ask, I say this again, I believe the Beirut blast hezbola and Nasrala had a hand in it, the perhaps blew it up intentionally to buy up another chunk of Beirut so they can build their underground facilities under because this is whats happening there now, hezbola thanks to its supporters from here in the west has managed to carve up a huge portion of Lebanon and fortifying it for future events, they know their end is coming and they are preparing for it, the mollas are digging in right now for battle, I just wanted to let you know.
