Bernie Sanders Urges His Supporters to Vote for Biden in Presidential El...

I understand the place many of my anti communist Latino amiros in places like Florida and other places have found themselves in, I understand you perfectly and better than the elected officials are making you to believe and I will tell you why I do fully understand you because I also fled a hellhole with a criminal oppressive abusing  regime, and you can read for yourselves how I feel about my captives, so I feel you and I dont blame you much for taking the words of people like Mr Trump as gospel, he is lying to you using you and in a way abusing you and also insulting your intelligence, something you should be aware of, because while he is bashing the communist Cuba in Venezuela their leaders and their systems, what he is doing behind your backs is to open business opportunities in yes Cuba, then he goes on and praises Communist China, Communist North Korea and had plans to do business with Kim Jong Un and other business dealings in China, I am gonna let the conversation find more meaning and more truths now that you are aware of what you have heard from these leaders you look up to, this is how they are, they are using you, why not awaken and have faith in a more truthful conversation, a conversation that can lead somewhere dont let it dry out be smart, Uncle Joe is the man you know, you have known him for decades he didnt just come out of the blue with nothing to stand on, be smart and vote Biden, its the right thing to do, he is not phony and fake, with him you know what you get, a rare commodity nowadays.
