Cult of the Chameleon - Al Jazeera 10/17/2007

Here are some facts about this luciferian MEK cult, listen friends, I do NOT throw around the word luciferian to just anyone one or any groups and when I do I mean what I say because after all, I grew up with them, I have seen things I know what they are and what they are up to so before I continue let me inform you of some of the basics about this MEK cult, Massoud Rajavi is DEAD ! he doesnt exist, he had been dead for a decade or so nobody has seen his ass for a decade, his whore or wife whatever you want to call her Marjam Rajavi, and I have a reason to call her a whore, I have a lot of reasons for that, mainly, the bitch was ordered to have me murdered but thats the minor some would say but other than that that bitch 'married' Massoud Rajavi he ordered her to murder her own husband to marry him, and she did, she murdered her own husband to marry this new cult leader Massoud Rajavi, I dont know who killed him but we know the cult of MEK do not want to acknowledge that and claim he is still alive somewhere and is still married to this WHORE ! Marjam Rajavi, so thats one problem with them, my personal experience with them is on a much deeper level, I have seen their inner working and let me tell you, I know hundreds of this MEK cult members, I know them and they know me, and I can swear to God Almighty that every single one of them are criminals and extremely disturbed individuals, more corrupt than them not even the mollas tops them, MEK is at the extreme end of things, look friends, I never bring up the word of God in vain, what I am telling you is the truth, every single cult members of MEK has been either pedophiles and I mean this with pedophilia is widespread with these people, I have seen their own children hang themselves become heavy drug users human traffickers drug traffickers and I would say and I am NOT bashing the gays but I can say half of the MEK cult members are not only gay but also pedophiles, I know of mothers who has sexually molested their boys, I know of several of this cases with these MEK cult members, in fact what draws rotten people into this cult the primary reason is sex, yes sex, and also by God, the majority of them men and women and their children are devil worshipers, I am NOT kidding I swear to God, in each of their homes I saw tools of rituals and strange things like that, and I swear to God also that the high member of this satanic cult are very close to the molla regime, because remember, MEK and the mollas are like two fucked up sisters, they were allies once upon of time, and they still are, they travel to Iran freely so do not believe what you hear about them, there is an element of this luciferian cult that are still very close to the shia mollas, and also remember this satanic cult claim they are super shias, yes they claim they are the purest of the shias, this is crazy because they are luciferians, the same luciferians who approved for the Shah to be removed and replaced with this end time luciferian cult that is the mollas, this is the truth my friends, and I can tell you this luciferian MEK cult are working very closely with the Swedish authorities on all levels, I know of policemen that are active MEK cult members, I know of swedish parliament members with this cult too, and its NOT like the Swedish authorities are unaware of this, they are themselves member of another branch of this Luciferian sex cult, its not like the Swedish police department has been infiltrated by them, oh no, the Swedish authorities INVITED  them to take part of this satanic agenda Sweden and others have in plans for mankind, so here is how this MEK cult opporates. They have TWO types of cult members, TWO !! one is their street thugs which the majority of them are, I would say over 50% and thats a lot 50%. but 50% of them are real life criminals with criminal records, they handle the dirty business and like any other street thugs, they are for the most part illiterate and they live for a couple of things, one is a life of crime, you know not taking responsibility for anything all that, another thing they live for are all these secret sex parties where old and young gather to do the disgusting things they do, I have seen mother of my former friends screwing with other mothers sons, I mean you wouldnt believe what is going on with these people, I could say and I am serious, their women are much much worse than their men, their men are all killers, absolutely, if any of them get the order to kill someone, they would do it, they did try a couple of tims with me but in a way I wouldnt suspect they were behind it but now I know, and nobody fucks with me and get away with it, it would be anyone, one day I will come for them, one day they will see my face right in front of them, what I have discovered with this cult is that their women are in a way a little bit more dominant than their men, its not like their men do not brutally beat up their women, oh no, I have seen it in all their households, they beat their women senselessly, but from my understanding is that, their women get so much attention and with the knowledge of their men that their women are screwing young boys all the time and its so called kosher amongst them because this is a normal thing with them, its as I said, sex and getting attention is the primary reason they join this luciferian sex cult, so no surprise there, I even say a 55 year old hag that married a 20 year old young Iranian guy from Iran, brought him to Sweden to have as her personal sex slave, and you wont believe this, that young man screwed her daughter who was at the same age as the guy and this was perfectly ok that the mother and her daughter in the same household screwed the one and the same guy, and thats how they are, so they have two types of cult members, one the criminal elements and the other one is more so called cultured ones, they do not look like street thoughts, they are educated , they are your physicians your police officers your teachers they take care of your kids at the kindergarten, and I again swear to God on what I am about to say, many too many of their women of this cult are employees at kindergartens, they are close to peoples kids, who know what they are feeding them, yes feeding them kids, it could be anything, unholy things I am telling you, they are your politicians I know of at least one, in Sweden, they are your personal trainers in other words they are more of the cultural side of this satanic cult, these are the ones waving flags at demonstrations against the molla regime, whenever you see these demonstrations with Iranians 90% are MEK cult members, they look nice, they look sivilized they look like any other good people, but thats just their facade, because they were ordered to get out in the public because they were selected because of some of them look innocent so they want these faces to be at front but at the rear, they are guided by their thugs, I dont want to as always go too into details because then it wont be anything left interesting to say in my book, so let me end with this, the world is not what it seems like, things are very very complicated and more complicated for people who have bought the official story about things, its so complicated people will have a hard time rewriting what they have heard and believe, but I am telling you the truth, the MEK is a luciferian sex drg human trafficking a pedophile ring with members high up all over the place, this is the fact of the matter, they are a grave danger to humanity a grave danger, look when you think of one of the top evil luciferian death cults out there, think MEK, its simple as that.

Marjam Rajavi is a wanted terrorist.
