Defectors Tell of Torture and Forced Sterilization in Militant Iranian Cult

I have watched all documentaries about this MEK cult and none of them goes too deep in what this cult is all about who who their allies are, they have allies with in the top ranking molla establishment as well as allies in the west, this might sound contradictory but it is not, the reason why you might think that is because you dont know the backstory behind who is BENEFITTING from all these billions of dollars being made, it has mainly do with heroin, this with human trafficking and all these other methods they use to turn a good person into a hopeless existence or give them a false equivalent to real hope just to keep them going for whatever time they are allowed to live is how they control people, the MEK are very very close to other cults as well, like the Jehovahs Witnesses any Christian denominations I have seen it, in Sweden these religous cults which MEK is one of, I have seen them go actively after and targeting asylum seekers, I have seen these Christian cults and they are well connected with the state I am telling you, because they offer these asylum seekers citizenship if they join them, I swear to God I have been there when they talk about their offers, and the reason I know all this, is because they had an interest in me too, I have seen it all, and I do NOT consider any of these cult members as true Christians, a true Christian is like myself, even though we disagree of the concept of God and what is and what is not, I never doubt the sincerity and truthness in their belief in God as the Creator, we share on much much more than we disagree on, and because those of us who know how a cult works we know there are two types of cult members,this is true in all cults, every single one of them, one half are the sheeps and the other half are the wolves, half of these cult members are innocent naive brainwashed people that do seek to do good and the other half is there to manipulate them, use them as their personal slaves, so if you are a YW or a supporter of the mollas or any other cult for that matter, I am actually on your side if you truly are against tyranny and corruption, I am totally on your side, I am NOT questioning the deep faith you as a YW or whatever other cults you subscribe to, I am not saying you do not believe in God and things that are good, I am simply saying, you are on the wrong path and you have been purposely mislead, the problem was never you, its those who are pushing you around, your handlers, you dont need a handler, you need people to help you but you dont need your handler, your handler is there to extract the last bit of energy for their own suit, its like one of those pyramid games, its meant to keep only the guy on the top in good condition while others suffers in one way or the other, so if you are not the top leader, you WILL suffer, even that loser on the top is suffering you below just are not aware of it, the guy on top is suffering so much that is because he wants those under him to share the suffering he is experiencing along with him, so dont believe in what your eyes occasionally see when your dear leader is paraded and seem all invincible, when you see them in their palaces drowning in wealth, I know you look up to that kind of stuff, you wish you were him and like his family members, and I know some of you would like to be just like him you look up to, you would be as cruel as he is, you admire that some of you this is why you are active in these cults, half of you that is, the wolves that is, I think I am correct to say something around 20% of the mankind are inherently evil creatures and these 20% are the 50% of these cult members, so you can just imagine how well organized they are, they are basically controlling this planet, they control almost every single criminal gang on this planet, this is true, every single street gang leader has received some kind of training by these cults, and they then brainwash other gang members to also subscribe to this very secret luciferianism, look guys, I do not want to frighten you but this one goes deep, the luciferians have an agenda, so I suggest whatever cult you have fallen into, get yourself out of there and do it quickly, be your own man and your own wonder woman, you dont need anyone to push you around as if you were nothing, because in reality, you mean nothing to your handlers, why are you still slaving for those who couldnt care less of you, regain your dignity be one with your Creator let Him be your handler, He is the most reliable Guid you can ever have, He can take out out of any trouble put in front of you, I know all cult members do believe in a higher power like God the Creator, personally I dont believe there are many cult followers who are atheists and believe in nothing, well we have these other Luciferian cults like communism and such who claim they are atheists but the top cult members, they know better, are you telling me the Chinese intelligence services and elites are not aware of what is going on, I mean what is really going on, what the whole fight is all about, between Good and Evil and the fact that we were placed on this planet and things are about to change, you dont think the CCP is aware of that, think again, the top CCP cult members they have chosen their side, they took the side of Evil like the mollas, they took the side of Evil too.

And I want to clarify of something I said regarding 9/11 some time ago, I never finished my explanation of what really happened that morning I woke up to the news, I never finished my explanation because I want to keep something for the book but I want hereby explain just a bit further about how I felt that day, I said I got happy when I learned about the news, this is not completely correct, I never got happy like that over it, here is how I felt in more words, I woke up that morning from a couple of days of partying, you know what I mean ;) my head wasnt clear that morning, I woke up saw the news, at first I thought this must be some kind of documentary and these images are CGI or something, I couldnt tell because I had just watched 30 seconds of the news at first, then I went to make some coffee and got back to the living room and continued watching it and sure enough it was real, at first I thought wow this is amazing this is actually happening, then after an hour or so the second plane hit the second tower and a this time after that the whole thing collapsed, and during this whole time one can say one is in shock because one major thing is happening after the other and you dont know what to make of it, but as anti American as I was grown up to be, before one think about the actual people in those buildings because at that time I didnt see or thought about the people who got hurt, I just was America being attacked, and as a twenty year old guy with the lifestyle I had and with my background I thought it was a good thing, this was the first reaction, then the same day or the day after, this 'evil' America is declaring war on Muslim countries, then I thought, well its against Saddam anyway so who cares, I thought that was good too, because now Saddam with be get rid of, I didnt know much about Afghanistan and the Talibans at that time so I had no opinions about that, I just thought, great now Saddam is gone or going to be gone and shortly after that the US attacked Iraq and that was the end of Saddam, I think it took me a couple of years to realize this whole 9/11 thing was just bad for everyone, I think it took me two three years before I came to this conclusion, the reason I say this is to let people know, I wasnt actually happy for what happen, I just said that without further explanation because again I have to save something for future literatures I have plans for, so I dont want to give the wrong impression that I liked it, I didnt, I just saw an enemy getting hit after that one starts to think about the other ramifications of that and thats people getting hurt, people are like any other people, some crazies do something and the rest of us picks up the bill for that, people are innocent they get pushed into something they dont want to do but then they do it anyway, I was pushed into hating people too, it was more than that, it was a total mind control, but my mind is mine to control, they couldnt control me then and they never will, and thats me and here we are today, I hope this will be a good lesson for all entrapped in mindless cult the only sense they make is for themselves when they hurt people, that makes very much sense for the evil doers, twenty years has past since then, I got much wiser and much more well informed and after everything they tried on me and failed should tell anyone, if I can do it so can you, you only need the right Guid and that is your Creator that is close to you than you are to yourself, its always close at hand if you need help and there are more than enough of guidance in your Holy Scriptures, if you can understand what you are reading that is, good luck, free yourself, its easy, just tell them to go and fuck themselves, thats what I always say to them :):)

I am giving you too much good reading, I have to stop, bye :)

Fuck Marjam Rajavi and her MEO and all of them, she is a ruthless terrorist !!
