Don Jr blasts NYT report on Trump's taxes

C mon Fox News you know Little Don Jr is lying in each and every sentence he makes up, the Trumps act as if they are patriots but we know where they loyalty lies, its where the money is, they never paid taxes they never paid their contractors their employees and always cheated their way out of their responsibilities you know that everyone knows that, lets be responsible and get all these liars out of office, Joe Biden has served the American people for 47 years in office, I promise you all, Mr Trump wouldnt last a day in the congress, are you kidding me, he wouldnt last a day let alone 47 years, Mr Trump got lucky he never had to prove himself but got right straight into the WH and with all that authority he still managed to mess things up badly like no other president before him and this kind of behaviour should not be applauded and cheered for, C mon Fox News this is bigger than just a man and his family, the country is at stake and we need your help, I need your help because in the future, we are gonna be buddies yours truly and Fox News, we are gonna be buddies !! :)
