Erin Burnett: Here is what keeps President Trump up at night

One must ask from President Trump why the US could have had 2 million deaths as he said when other countries had just a couple of thousands dead at worst, why does he believe the US is so different from other countries when his own estimation is around 2 million deaths, thats twenty times more than some of the worst affected countries in the world, can he give an explanation why he thinks the US could have been affected worse than it already has, there is an answer to that, why does he have no faith in America why does he think so little of her, because its not true, we have already been affected ten times worse than the next country and its because President Ratings didnt take it seriously to act sooner, and thats why things could have not been worse than this, we are already worse in the world and President Trump is saying it could be ten times worse than this, I mean if we are going to suffer now twenty times more than other countries it could only mean one thing, the president failed on this issue, then there are other issues where he has failed too, are you tired of winning yet.

Vote Biden 2020 !
