Fatah Member Claims 'Third Intifada is Knocking at the Door'

All this is so unnecessary when it can so easily be solved, the path to peace is a One State solution, this would have fixed it all for everyone, but then, you have crazy people with no clue of what they are saying or what they want, if it was up to me this is what I would have done, I would have sidelined all their leaders, I wouldnt even have spoken to them, I would have spoken directly to these two people, made my case clear how to realize everything promised if they were sensible and took the deal and let them decide what they want, then I would have asked to both to make some steps to finalize the idea on the ground and see for themselves if it worked or not, I say it would from the day you take the first step you will see things change for the better, day by day you will see things change for the better on the ground but then I see these two people with extremists on both sides that would rather ruin everything over a bunch of lies, or if you dont believe me continue with your ways and see where it will lead you, today they talk about the third intifada, ten years from now the fourth how long are you going to continue this way, and here is why I have issues with this face peace deal, a lasting peace deal in the Middle East must be between NOT governments who come and go very quickly, a lasting peace must be an understanding between the people, NOT religions, because religion was never an issue with people in the Middle East, you can say whatever you want about the Semites the Jews and their cousin Arabs with all their shortcomings they were at least mature enough not to make religion an issue, in Europe thats a different story, much much less tolerant than middle easterners, thats established facts, so religion was never an issue something else must be the problem with the Jews and the Arabs or as I call them, the Shlomos and the Arafats, funny ;), to be serious again, in order to make peace down there you need to make the Jews and the Arabs like each other again and become friends, because this has been now a racial issue, it never was religious in nature, its a racial issue that no politician can change and by that make peace, so excuse me for not believing i this fake peace deal because not I and no one actually believes it, because the Jews and the Arabs as you can see in this clip, cannot stop bringing up old stuff, things they couldnt solve 70 years ago as you can see is still the major issue here, and any of these leaders who are openly supporting this go nowhere deal is a muppet a puppet with no integrity, because they know a two state solution will never be but its political convenient to say they believe in it, they can believe in anything they want doesnt mean its based in reality, Gods Holy Land will not be divided because He has not intended it to be, this is my view on the matter.
