France to ban wild animals from travelling circuses, mink farms 'gradually'

This is very good, I was thinking about it the other day myself, I think we must ban all wild animal handling circuses because these animals are always mistreated and depressed and it shouldnt be this way, its very sad to see, and it should be banned worldwide, so bravo to France to initiating this, but they should go all the way and ban all big animals in circuses not only travelling ones, if people want to learn about animals there is always zoos they can visit, I never liked the idea of circuses anyway, they took me once to a circus as a child and I hated it right there, I was miserable watching the show, I even think I had an angry look on my face from the moment I entered that damn circus till I left it, I also remember I wasnt myself for a whole day after, its the whole idea of capturing a wild animal beat it and train it to do tricks for an audience, its like slavery what does it teach our children, that is ok to enjoy a living being in pain forced to do something it doesnt want to, we cant have that, we have to put a stop to this madness, I can tell this to the Believers, if you are unkind to animals I can promise you there will be no place for you in Paradise, you can fake pray fake fast be a fake believer like that all day long you can do your pilgrimage all that, but if you treat animals in an inhumane manner, you are going to Hell regardless, because if you cannot have empathy for animals, you never got the point to begin with anyway, this is why most of the mollas are going to Hell, because they are less than animals, they are little demons, ugly dirty smelly little evil demons, because they dont value life, the shia mollas dont value any kind of life but their own, they are not a part of our human family, they belong and are loyal to another Evil family, a luciferian one, look at their allies, all the criminal dictators and totalitarian autocrats out there, they have no one respectable leader amongst them, all their organized religious institutions are state controlled, they are not free, all their clergymen are state agents, I have no respect for any of them, if you are a free thinking individual subscribing to any religion I am not talking about you, I am talking about the organized state controlled cult leaders and their closest cult followers, they are the bad guys, not you whom have fallen into their false teachings that again is there to benefit the state, not the Word of God, the Word of God is to unite mankind not to drive it apart, this is what all organized religions are doing and I am confident God will take care of all of them soon.

The message of today is, the mollas are scumbags and lets do something about these big animals trapped as slaves in entertainment prisons, a child should witness a lion a tiger or any other animal get whipped to do tricks for us, what message is that sending.
