���� Iran - President Addresses General Debate, 75th Session

It is amusing to see him complain about the sanctions his cult has brought upon Iran as whole and he sees the footage broadcasted around the world with a rogue cop causing the death of a man to the experiences these mollas also been subject of as he says, what a lying filthy corrupt loser he is, ok one cop happens to kill a civilian for one reason or another and they end up in course of justice as it happens here, in Iran under these molla scumbags, they murder thousands in a day if anyone dares even protest this situation they are in, the mollas would bring their foreign militias from Lebanon Iraq Afghanistan to crack down on the Iranian people, there is nothing to compare here, and every single word he spewed were lies too, look he is a representative of a CULT, get this through your heads people, its a CULT running the country, its NOT a representative government, it represent the 10% of the criminal population of Iran, the rotten ones, the corrupt ones, these are the ones ruling Iran, people in the west because they never lived in shit hole countries like these cannot fathom cannot get their minds around what is what and who is who what is good and what is bad anyone, if you ask what is bad from people of those countries they would say what I said, they know bad, they dont know good, here is a mix of it so people easily get confused but in countries like Iran, bad is the only thing people know, and these cult members like this loser is a representative of this corrupt society controlling Iran for now, we need a government representing the people, they dont have that, you do but they dont, so stop shilling for these corrupt regimes and their supporters, you are not doing anyone any favors, you are making it worse, we must under all secom stanses be on the side of what is good and we must always oppose corruption, it doesnt have to be harder than this to save the world, corruption must end everywhere, or else, we will fuck them up :):)
