Iraqi protesters under threat: France 24 meets anti-govt protest leader ...

We know who is targeting these activists, its the Shia religious criminal corrupt cult leaders and their Iraqi heads of states, puppets of the Iranian mollas, I urge all Iraqis to get guns and ammo hide it somewhere for the time to come when we are going to free Iraq and many many other places, the activists there should get organized be strategic and smart, because remember, every single of your leaders are corrupt and it doesnt end only with corruption, its much worse than that.

I would say, anyone aiding these shia militias or members of these terror cults are legitimate targets, hit them back but be smart about it, they are murdering you for speaking out peacefully, you are allowed by me to hit them back, this is their playbook so you are allowed to use it back against them and leave Irans and the Iraqi clerics to me, I will get my hands on them in time.
