���� Israel - Prime Minister Addresses General Debate, 75th Session

My question is, how can a couple of the least trusted leaders bring peace and prosperity to not only its own people who the majority cannot stand bring peace to other regions as well, my question is, how can the shia mollas who are hated by 90% of their own population how can Netanyahu who have the support of 40% of its own people how can Mr Trump with equally bad numbers and rating can bring peace to of all places the Middle East and how can the UAE who basically 99% of the world hate bring peace to the Middle East, in order to bring peace to these people or to anyone, you need someone whom everybody loves and trusts, and thats me :):) without me this peace deal with go anywhere and I am not having it, because unlike these corrupt leaders, I fear my Creator, I know what will happen if I disobeyed Him directly, I am not that stupid, but these corrupt leaders they do anything to upset God by disobeying Him, just read the Book of Revelation and see what He said He will do to these people, its all there, a two state solution is Anti Scripture, God doesnt want people to live as strangers in conflict with each other over false teachings, God wants us to live as one, live as one is the way forward, its the only way for us not to end humanity any other way will see to that happens, I wont go against Scripture, you can do as you wish I wont follow you down that path because I know where it will leads to, order must be restored in the Holy Land and these leaders are not the ones to bring peace to the Middle East.
