Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster: Russia Wants To Pit Americans Against Each Other

I am now gonna say whats bothering me most here, everybody knows how much the military loves me because I am the best thing happening to them, look I know my value while sitting here doing nothing physically, I dont get too bored either, its not like I am doing absolutely nothing here, I am doing a lot, I have be achieved alot what I am a little bit upset about is, why hasnt the military giving me a visit to show me around a little bit, they could have given a tourse on some navy ship taking me to a air force base perhaps giving me a ride on one of those many cool flying objects, there is a air force base right next to me here yet nobody has come even to say hello how are you doing, nothing, one gets a bit disappointed I am telling you, my money is soon running out and if people dont show up sooner I WILL be out of here, I am NOT kidding, look the military is supposed to be politically neutral, fine, then I suggest they should pay me a visit, and if I have anything to say about this, I wouldnt say its a direct order to get your butts over here with a military escort something fancy and pick me up, and if I am allowed to issue orders, then this is a direct order, I want people here right now !! ok not today, I am chilling this day, tomorrow would work just have to check my calendar to see if I am available or what the hell is going on, it looks that I am busy today, tomorrow would work between 9am to 11, that would work.
