Press freedom in Iraq: Why some journalists are receiving death threats

These shia luciferian militias must be dealt with along with their clergymen, Iraqs who value the things we have talked about all this time MUST get organized and they shouldnt waste time on this, these shia militias must be defeated in battle, the fight must be brought to them and I am confident they will be wiped out from the pages of history like that rat Ahmadinejad said himself, they will get a taste of their own medicine because something evil like that like the mollas cannot be allowed to continue polluting the world, but for now they are busy picking up the pieces in both Iraq and Lebanon ;) and thats the way we like it, thats the way I like it

Believers of all kinds ! we must stand side by side to defeat this Evil, the shia mollas are absolute evil make no mistake about it, they are.
