Should statues of Christopher Columbus come down?

With the creation story of America how it was composed and with the past it has with all these racial issues it wont be very easy to put to rest every sector of society at peace, I think only one move will change all that, a move towards healing all its people with providing healthcare and all the good things we have talked about and how to go about it, in my mind is the only way for people to finally feel good about their lives so they wont have to go after other groups over past issues, we have to start a new era a new chapter for this country a system that puts all its people first equally and when that happens there will be no reason to bring up the past and ruin the day for everyone, people will be friendlier the economy will blossom like nothing seen before but till then people need to understand what to ask of their elected officials, right now I would say not many elected officials have done a very good job, they are very good at pointing to differences but no one is to bring people together, because there is no money in it, there is no living in it and finally I have to say there is no soul in it and with no soul, why dont you figure out the rest.
