���� Sweden - Prime Minister Addresses General Debate, 75th Session

You of all better shut your filthy mouth when it comes to human right you dirty criminal, I will take you and the rest of you to UN court and if they dont take on my case, UN will be dismantled, because it stood by and watched and enjoyed while your Swedish state abused me, I have the whole world and God as my witness you dirty devils, lyssna och lyssna very noga, I have nothing but horrific experience while your state conspired to throw me into prison you tortured me for 32 years in your hell hole of a country with your abusive people, sure there are perhaps one or two good persons there but over all, you are rotten and my intent is to let the whole world know about you and not to forget what your pharmaceutical companies did to me, you wont get away with this just so you know you criminals, I will destroy your reputation, you have no idea whom you have angered, no idea, and I will also in time present facts that your state institution tried to kill me as well, people will learn about all this soon you criminals in Sodom, and as I have told you rats, in the countries I will be head of in time, the name of Sweden will be replaced with Sodom in school books, you tried to shame me you just wait and see how I will shame you back, you have my dying word on it, so fuck you your satanic royal family all your luciferian little elites and the rest of you, thank you and fuck you.
