This is What Mars Colonies Could Be Like in 2035

I believe if we go to Mars and establish ourselves there eventually very soon there would be trouble, its in our nature, it reminds me of when we were put on this planet, the first question to the Creator was, why would you do this when You know they would destroy it, and we saw this as soon as Adam and Hawa gave birth to their children, it didnt took a very long time for infighting to start when Cain murdered his brother, it took one generation before we saw the beginning and the end of mankind as a race, you really dont think Higher Powers will allow that to happen elsewhere did you, I have long said this and some might think its ridiculous what he is saying but I will say it again, mankind need permission to do these kind of things, I fear that arrogant people with some powers are jeopardizing all ours future existence by challenging powers they have no control over or influence over, I fear that  has already passed with cloning because think about it, the Creator has stated after death we will all be risen up just the way we were created here in this world, with the same looks with the same fingerprint to face our Maker on the Day of Judgment, after court hearings it will be determined where we will end up at, the harmonious place we call Paradise or a chaotic place we call Hell, and if anyone thought Hell is a place of relaxation think again, it will be more chaotic than anyone can handle, I have told you the screams of Satan will be heard on all levels, God is about to make an example of him, and God willing very soon, going back to the issue of cloning, on the Day of Judgment we will be risen with the looks we have today, I just hope you are not stupid enough to think God will allow two men yes even two men look identical on the Day of Judgment, because if this was the norm where many many people looked exactly the same what would that say about tampering with creation itself in which we know there is only one True Maker, He wouldnt allow that, so now in this day of age with technology given to us, yes given to us make no mistake over this, now with this technology some evil people as arrogant as they are were trying to play god by distorting His designs, but like everything else, its a double edge sword and our nature has always proven, its not safe in our hands, my understanding is that the Creator has only allowed this to happen only once and it has not been able to be replicated even twice, and these evil monsters are very frustrated about it, but we know they wont give up, because they are destructive in their nature, and you think they belong elsewhere but in Hell let alone on another planet they will eventually also destroy, think again, I can promise you all, no humans will ever get near planet Mars without getting blown up before it reaches the planet, I think They will allow it to get very near but They wont allow humans to get inside its atmosphere, before it gets destroyed, I wouldnt try that if I were you, but there is a loophole in this law set aside just for me :) because if I was the first one to ask for permission for this mission, perhaps They would have approved of it, event that is a big maybe, I am just speculation now, but I do believe, I am the key to leave this planet, I am not being a funny guy, I am very serious, no Mars without me, you got it NASA ?? :):)
