Tom Cotton: Senate will move forward 'without delay' on Ginsburg successor

To my conservative friends in the Senate !

I have been following the situation with the passing of Justice Ginsburg and what some conservative officials had to say about her, they all start with applauding her professionalism how good it was of her to have a good relation with her conservative colleagues and how productive it all was, but then these same very conservative officials who have the worst track records of being good to the other side and I am very polite about it, these same people are now contradicting themselves by going for nominating some very radical conservatives, and this is for the Supreme Court justice, if these hypocrites who praised Justice Ginsburg for being so open minded why are they going for something in direct opposition of what they earlier praised, its called hypocrisy, I dont think there should be any room for anything extreme by any side especially in the highest court in the land, if you go with the flow of today which is extreme on many sides this will open room for all kinds of extreme ideas going mainstream, so for the sake of God, please think a couple of extra times who you finally nominate for this job, I wouldnt mind a very nice conservative justice, thats not the issue, why dont you find your conservative Ruth Ginsberg and nominate that person, you need to select the best of you the best amongst you, you need to show some true statesmanship be brave and do what you think is most fair, for the country, thank you.
