Trump admin set to reimpose UN sanctions on Iran

Wrong analysis !

The mollas will not come to any other kind of deal because the hardliners in Iran are not looking for peace and they wont do any other deal has also to do with their own standing amongst their own other hardliners, these people have no understanding on a mollas mind and how it operates, and when it comes to the nuclear deal, and I am offering my personal view of what I think the mollas will do, bet before I continue I want to say this too, I think we have too many ambitious too optimistic diplomats or advocates for peace that would say and do anything to have a center stage on the podium to enhance their own personal agendas which is not always helpful and frankly they dont know how much they are damaging real progress with how they side with the aggressors and buy into their arguments, this is very counterproductive, but here is my personal view on what will happen.

The first question is, who does the mollas fear most of all, the answer is their father the Devil but other than that they fear NOT the United States or the UE or the Israel and its Arab allies, in fact the shia molla ideology is build solely on a (major) conflict with Israel and its Arab allies, its like in the Iran Iraq war, anyone who knows anything about that knows, two months after Saddam the Cursed One, we have many Cursed Ones, Knomejni the founder of Unislamic Republic of Iran, two months after Saddam attacked Iran he offered a truese in which Irans Cursed One Khomejni declined and rejected, then a couple of years later Saddam offered it again, and you know what Khomejni the Cursed One responded with ?? the war has to keep on going because thats how he saw this unislamic takeover of theirs could succeed, and with this decision by Khomejni, millions of both Iranians and Iraqis lost their lives, then that bastard just died and left a mess behind, like he always did, here is the main point people should never forget because this is what any Believer knows, any person of faith and Scripture are all aware of, even when an enemy reach out for peace, we are never ever allowed to reject that peace offering. even if that peace will last an hour, we are NOT allowed to turn our backs because lives of brave men are on the line, but these shia luciferian cult leaders have no regards to human life, they were sent to get as many of us killed and murdered to please their father Satan the Devil, but Knomejni reduced, today we know much more about this lizard of a man than we did before, and you know something else about these shia hypocrites, and I am not talking about you everyday shias, you are compartmentalized like anyone here or there or anywhere, its YOUR leaders I have issues with, the shia mollas has taught their people for ages that there are only 12 Imams, (leaders) but after that little devil Khmenji come, all of the sudden you have no longer 12 Imams but 13, another one, they saw this asshole Khomejni as an Imam, their last Imam, so seturies of teachings went right out of the window, like many other of their shia traditions, it has changed so much during these 40 years of molla takeover of Iran, because back then before they took over Iran there were no media no internet no radio no nothing, so whatever the local moola cult leader had to say people trusted them to the literal word of it, ok here is another exemple they changed till recently I  mean five something years ago they changed this, and listen to this its funny crazy, the shia mollas had dug this well and told their followers that Imam Mahdi is hiding in there in the well like Prophet Josef and whatever you desire you write it on a piece of paper and throw it down the well and their Imam Mahdi will pick it up and grant them their wishes, honest to God this is true and a couple of years ago when the story came out the shia mollas of Iran filled that well and that was the end of it, and if they hadnt be exposed they would have kept on doing it, there are many of such cases so dont blame me for calling them mollas a bunch of satanic hypocrites, because they are, so you need to understand this shia mollaism (business) thats what it is folks, its about power and money, and devil worshiping, this is what is its people, this is Khomejni for you, and you know how much the mollas did spent on his damned moloseum ? 2 billion US dollars, to build a damn roof over his head, 2 billions is alot of money in Iran, even here so you can imagine how much its here, and honest to God, it actually cost more than 2 billion so I say 2 because I dont want to be wrong when I bring God into this, this is the corruption of these shia mollas, to a man that caused the death of millions when he could have prevented it but he didnt, so this is what people need to know about the shia mollas here before they get themselves into another deal with them, I say it again, whatever you give the mollas will be used back against you because this is how they see the world, they want Armageddon type of war, this is the core of their luciferian ideology, without a war with Israel and the Arabs these mollas have nothing to live for, people dont seems to understand this, this is the core of their being, its war thats how they see they have a chance to survive into the future without it they dont believe they will be around so they will keep pushing to start this end of times events, this is the core of the issue, war with everyone, but the true devils which is the Chinese Communist Party, you havent heard them say a word about that, this is why I call them all hypocrites, but going back to the mollas again lol here is my professional thinking about this nuclear talks, I dont think the mollas fear anyone but their own people mainly, because the mollas are better aware than you and I over how much the Iranian people wants to see them all hanged, true this is what the Iranian people would like to see, they would like to see every molla hanged along with their affiliates, so 90% of the Iranian population would like to see these other close cult followers which have subjugated these other 90% gone and destroyed, so I dont think for a second the mollas will spend the money they dont have to spare on building nuclear bombs, Iran is no North Korea, the North Korean leader does not fear its own people, they fear outsiders that is why they need these weapons to keep them out, Iran is very different, they act as if Israel and the Arabs are about to attack them but in reality they need that money to keep its own people in check, I can promise you all, the mollas will not make any nukes so dont get yourselves too worked up on it what should be done is very simple, full sanctions restrict them from everything and then ignore them, do not respond to any of their arguments, the poorer they get the weaker they get, and hopefully weak enough for them to stay at their place, eventually with the help of the Iranian people these mollas will as predicted be hanged from every street light, this will happen but it would take longer time if we allow them to benefit from anything, they must be kept isolated till the right time to get rid of them, this is how I would have done it, I would have sanctioned them I would have restricted them to anything and I would have made their lives a living hell as much as I could, and finally destroyed them with local peoples, what we must never do is to normalize relations with them, they see us as their enemies, lets treat them as such, I personally will never negotiate with any terror cults, I can tell you that right now, over my dead body I would, no way, its on principle I just cannot do that, I would do anything for love but I cant do that, no way, now that I think about it, I think it was over a decade ago I had some meatloaf with dried plums in the middle and with some fresh potato and some lingonberry jam, yeap you need to try it, meatloaf with potato and jam, baby ;) :)
