Trump Rejects 1619 Project as "Poison" | The View

It is true that the US would not be what it is today if it wasnt for the free unpaid labor of the African Americans, I think now that they have labored and not got anything back for their efforts, it would be most unfair to deny them the recognition they deserve, and to say its child abuse to teach people here about history of this country is very bad thing to say, personally I wouldnt like to speak about race, I dont think people should remind others of their race, forcing others to counterpunch with a race argument themselves and then as we see, it never ends, I have long said, I dont like any African American month no Latin month no white month none of that, you are doing it wrong, and I know, tell that to a African American or a Latin to lay off and they wont have it, they dont understand, some I hope do but the vast majority couldnt get why this is bad and not good, like with the term of Black Life Matters they use, I opposed it from almost day one, first of all its provocative and its not inviting, being provocative I dont mind, look at me, I am super provocative myself but I also leave room for people to sit down and hear a brother out, so I suggested to add a (too) next to black lives matters, to Black Lives Matters Too ! this way you wouldnt have many on the right opposing now everything you stand for, you couldnt understand this then and I am pretty sure not many understand it till today because now you went for another terrible idea with Defunding the Police, the worst terminology used and its not the first time, it keeps happening because it seems that the extremists are the ones setting the agenda and everytime you listen to these extremists, thats why you never get anywhere, so I have stated, I no longer support the groups of BLM, I am instead with the sensible people of all races and if they want to focus on solving the blacks problems in this country, I am with you 110% of the way, in fact you never had a friend like me ;) (Aladin) but it takes a man to help another man cant do it alone.
