US Is Preparing Military Response To Wave Of Iranian-Backed Attacks On I...

Why am I hearing this from Soviet channels and not from my own sources, how am I supposed to run a country when I dont know who the hell is attacking us, there is only one way to make them stop, we have to carpet bomb to begin with one of their military bases and if they make any kind of move that displeases us we go for two more bases and then four, because we cannot allow them Iranian mollas to humiliate us and push us out of Iraq and leave it for the Iranian mollas to basically take over the whole country, this MUST stop !! listen to me, we cannot chicken out over a couple of roadside bombs by the mollas, cant do it, instead we must shut them up with a hand grenade in each of their mouths, point being made is this, they must receive TWICE as much for each and every expenses they cause us, for each US dollar lost they must pay twice that, it has to be that simple, nobody messes around without paying for it, period.
