US reimposes sanctions on Iran, world disagrees | Inside Story

I think the Europeans have taken this too personally, I really do, the Europeans are super liberal when it comes to dealing with terrorist cults, they harbor so many of them, I am serious, even the super lefties here are not like the liberals in EU. its crazy out there and they have all these problems to show for it, Europe doesnt have a solid policy on anything let alone foreign policy everything is a huge pile of mess over there, they cant agree on anything, the point of all these talks was what ?? it was for Iran and the west to normalize relations, this was what made everyone excited thats what it had such an energy behind it, the deal was signed for three years the mollas didnt open up but as matter of fact took all the billions that belonged to the Iranian people because this was the mollas arguments to the west that the money the US and others were holding back belonged to the Iranian people, the mollas took all those billions in which the Iranian people didnt see a penny of, Iranians know the mollas spent that money on themselves and I guess they are at peace with it, I think now, this is why 90% of the Iranians are fed up with these mollas, they would fight back if they could, perhaps an opportunity will present itself for them to finally rise up, who knows these things it could come sooner than you thought, only God knows these things, but as been told in prophecies, the mollas are in big bigh trouble, so I think the mollas broke the deal first by being as arrogant as they are, this is their problem, their arrogance, the mollas are like honey badgers have you seen those creatures, they mess with lions and sometimes they get smashed into pieces for it, thats how you deal with the mollas, again not all mollas some are just naive innocent people, they grew up with it and got stock to it, it can happen to anyone thats not the point, I am talking about IRGC and (their) mollas, they are the bad guys, the heroin traders, they are dirty sons of bitches I am telling you, and EU wants to do deals with them, its insane.
