Whale beachings puzzle scientists as hundreds die in Australia mass stra...

This is clearly disinformation and its shameful because they have been instructed what to say, here you have hundreds of whales seeking shelter from whatever echoed in the blue waters and the deeper waters where these whales feed at to these secluded shores deep inland where whatever forced them to get away from it, and if you pay close attention, these corruptible marine biologist mention all theories except the real reason behind this tragedy and that is the military high power active sonars, so do not buy a word of what they say because they never speak the truth, they would sell their souls and their dignity for a lousy paychecks, here you have HUNDREDS of whales committing suicide and these corrupt marine biologist wont even touch the subject matter, cowards ! if they cant do the job properly, somebody else should take over because anyone else would have done a better job, this is very upsetting.
