Analysis: why is terrorism still prevailing in France?

I will tell you why this problem with unislamic terrorism is continuing, there are many factors, one is the provocations from far right groups, look I am for freedom of speech too, I think everyone should have this right to say whatever they want, but its like everything else, you have bannged people to even question the Holocaust, even questioning the numbers of casualties, people are prohibited to even question a number, as if its is something absolute but you dont mind when other peoples faiths gets insulted, this is something not just Muslims but many other groups oppose, so your French laws are not fair to all its citizens, so in reality, there is no freedom of speech in France, it is hypocritical, and this does not make things better for anyone, not the Jews as we have seen with many even opposing groups object to, this law have not made the lives of the French Jews any safer, but as stubborn as you are, you can never come in terms with reforming these laws, this is one issue, then to another problem with these unislamic terrorists is that, too many of these unislmic world cult leaders you call leaders of some nations like Iran leaders from Pakistan and Arab countries whom you have business ties with that you dont want to offend even when they cheer for this kind of terror acts is one of the major factors why these lone criminals find inspiration to take things in their own hands, and there are other issues to but I dont have the time to go through them all now, to make it short, your own laws your own policies is the cause of all this, its time you start being a little bit honest with yourselves, you need better leaders and better politicians that are interested in solving all these issues, but your lawmakers are all there for some other reason, they didnt get elected to solve all your problems, they ran for office to solve their own problems, this is why you can never agree on anything of value.
