Breaking News: Greek Orthodox priest injured in French shooting, assaila...

These so called Muslim leaders are not doing what is in their authority to stop any of this, they are neglecting their duties, and they will come to regret they didnt do more, and some of them will surely regret they flamed the fuels, its all on record, we know who you are all of you and one day your own people will put you up for trails and convict you, they you will understand what peoples power really means you religious cult leaders.
I hope the priest makes it alive and I hope to see these little thugs getting arrested and also be put on trails, a good punishment would be total isolation for the rest of their miserable lives, but they shouldnt have any contact with any other human being for the rest of their lives, feed them through a hole or something, but again, these religious cult leaders, they are the problem here we have to deal with sooner or later because we cant have this going on when it can be stopped so very easily, all it takes for these cult leaders is to tell their cult followers not to do it, it all that takes, just a couple of words and thats it, then we wouldnt have this crap going on, but they wont do it, these cult leaders wants to hang on to the last cult follower, its like politics, you dont want to lose a voter, so you dont say anything they dont want to hear, this is how weak they are, they are not strong men, they are pussies afraid of their own shadows, they need an army to get from A to B, they need security because they know people dont like them, and you want any of these people be the solution to your problems, obviously some of you have no problem with that, people need to wise up, dont support these corrupt individuals they cause nothing but disorder as you can see, and here is the thing, with each of these attacks on liberties, both camps entrench themselves further away from any solution that could have ended this, and this is what some wants, I say dont give it to them, fuck them, yea thats a good ending, fuck them !!
