Buhari calls for end to police brutality protests in Nigeria | DW News

Before anything, this Nigerian version of Gestapo SARS must END, those who shot and killed the protesters must be put on trail, and it has to be as transparent as it can be, I understand there are many poor people looting and burning down things, but thats expected when people are actually hungry and this is the core of all protests, its injustice they protest against, and because the people are the highest ranking of any society, their means must be met even before the president or the countrys leaders, people always comes first,I am sure all these injustices will not get to the bottom of any time soon, but those who violated this trust of the people by shooting them as if they were worth nothing, this cannot be accepted, we are willing and ready to take this as far as it can get before real changes is presented and finalized, so the first step towards a peaceful resolution must start with ending SARS, fire all its leaders and those responsible for the shootings, they MUST face trails, or there wont be any peace in the country, it will only get worse, so President Buhari, if you are a man of God, then do what it is expected from you ! do the right thing !! this is serious, and I am very serious.
