Dolores is a pro-life Evangelical Christian. Despite her Republican beli...

My kind of people :) I love when people truly follow the guidelines in Scripture without any hypocrisy,personally I am like this, even if my own father or mother would have checked that list of what we should not be like according to Scriptures, I would have denounced my own parents, I swear to God I would, in fact I have I did, even during the times I grew up with those two handlers of mine who I thought were my biological parents, I had so many arguments with them especially guy pretending being my father, I stopped talking to him over twenty years ago, all of this is recorded facts, so you better believe me when I say, I would have denounced my own child if they were like that,without feeling remorse for a second, so for a person like me watching other people be at least a little bit like me, for me it feels that I am not alone in this there are many like us, I am a little bit too strict that way, others doesnt have to be, in fact I recommend you dont turn like me because people like me always want to know a little bit more of what we see as the truth so we tend to break down things to its fundamentals, and people of faith all share this, we know the search never ends either so we have to keep on staying true to our beliefs, the Ten Commandments because if we compromise even ten of the fundamental things, then what good are you.
