Fmr. Iraqi MP: I Support Anyone Who Wants to Limit Iran’s Missiles Becau...

All Iraqis must renounce all their especially religious leaders because they are all puppets and never have been loyal to your people and country, in my eyes they are all guilty of treason, starting with Sistani and Moqtada Al Sadr, even though they say they are only loyal to Iraq and its people their actions tells another story, they must all be denounced but before anything, the Iraqis MUST get all any and all Iranian influence out of your country because the shia mollas are there to enrich themselves just like they took over everything in Iran for themselves, this is why Khomejni the Cursed One created this second cult called IRGC to keep the mollas safe from retaliation of all kinds, and now this same IRGC has taken over Iraq and as you all can see, they are looting what once belonged to the Iraqi people, this shia cult that is of Satan must be defeated, there is no other way than bringing their leaders to justice so that everyone sees what will happen when you sell your soul your country your people to the Devil, from what I have seen and I have seen more than most of you what these Shia mollas have done, and judging from everything I know I do stand by my statement, that the Shia mollas are 99% luciferians, and here is what I base my theory on, I have seen them using female prostitutes, I have seen gay Shia molla agents, and I mean real gays that are IRGC connected, I cant say if they were officially members of the IRGC what I can say, they were agents of the mollas and they happened to be gay, NOT bashing the gays, what I am highlighting is their hypocrisy, because I have told you, the shia mollas have TWO very different dogmas, one is the official shia one that claim they are the true believers (with their blood rituals and everything else they do) the other dogma is as I have told you, they have gays in their ranks, and not some kind of gay agents hidden in the closet oh no nothing like that, these gay agents are all over the place, we know the mollas and their IRGC are in the drug trade, I know for a fact that these IRGC have their drug distributors in at least Sweden and I know authorities cooperating with them, Sweden and the Shia mollas are very very close, people dont know this how close they are, because both are luciferians, both countries are run by this luciferian pedophile cult, I have seen it with my own eyes, and there is so much more, the point I am getting at is to highlight for you how evil and corrupt this shia molla cult really is, they are NOT people of God but the people of Satan, I will stand by my statement this is how it is folks, the shia mollas are the enemies of humanity and they must be exterminated, they must be defeated in battle and then humiliated, their top leaders MUST get humiliated and I am pretty sure this will come to be with Gods help, so we all must stand united against these devil worshipers, look  friends, in my view there is no shia no sunny I dont like all these religious sects which has turned into cults, its a cult and nothing but it, its a cult, it has a cult leader, they have two different very distinct ideologies, one for the dumb public and one for themselves, and honest to God, I never met a shia molla that I liked, everytime I met one my internal alarm bells started to make noise, I couldnt see back then what all this anxiety was when my bells rang, I couldnt understand why that was, because back then when I knew little I saw these lizards as something positive, today after everything I have witnessed, I know better, so whoever you are, if you truly are against corruption so help you God, then you must come over to my side, because I wont rest till these lizards are sent all of them to Hell, look friends, I havent told you half of how crooked these shia mollas are, Shia is Sheitan, the mollas are the shias of Shaitan, the followers of the Devil thats what they are, there are many cults that are shias of Sheitan, the mollas are one of them !!!
So you all better put your differences aside and see the true enemies that are living amongst you, look friends, I know its not easy to realize you have been duped all your lives, trust me I know a thing or two about that, I know more than a thing or two about that, and if you think I dont torture myself mentally over this fact then you have no idea whats going on in my mind, mentally I am in hell right now thinking about what these luciferians have done, there will be NO redemptions for them, they started something they wont be able to finish and they definitely messed with the wrong guy because I am NOT going to take this insult doing nothing about it, justice MUST get served and these criminals MUST come to publics eyes for the whole world to see their faces and learn more of what these criminals have been doing all this time and with Gods help that day will come where all their criminal activities will be presented for you all and then you will see what was talking about all this time was just top of the isberg, this is what I am saying to people, just try to imagine what God sees when He is aware of all dirty things thats going on, how would you reacted if you was aware of everyones pain and suffering in the hands of corrupt evil people, you might say, if you were God you would have just fixed it, like nothing had happened,then I must remind you that, the natural laws of the creation was setup to work exactly the way you see all these laws of nature to interact the way it does, its like binary codes in a computer that cannot be tampered with or the whole programs crashes, it has to run its course, it is just how it has to be, its difficult to digest but it is reality and you and I cant do anything about it, we have to accept the fact that life is short in this world, what is good and constructive and what is bad and destructive, these two will separate in the next world they will go two different paths and we have to be aware of this reality because one day we will all face that reality just as we have faced this one, I am telling you folks, be on the good side and the only way you know you are on the good side is when you know, you have not compromised on the issues you say you believe in, and let yourselves be the judge of that, the way I see it, I cant see how God will allow this massive global corruption to go on for much longer, good change long side good trouble has to come in and clean the house from these devils running the show, as if they are the owners of this planet, I dont think so.

The mollas MUST be defeat in a humiliating battle, and I have warned them if they commit any terrorist acts outside their own borders what will happen to all of them, the price paid for such acts will be devastating for them so I dont want to hear the IRGC commander Salami to threaten anyone because one day, he will end up in my custody, ohh boy and on that day, let me just say this and I will end with it, it will be televised, nothing will happen in the darks any more, he will face peoples judgment he and his cult master Irans Supreme Bastard, he is in SO much trouble that rotten lizard.
