Former Trump campaign insider on ‘Project Alamo’ speaks out

One can see it like this too, America was going extremely divided under President Obamas two terms, much because of the propaganda put out there but it was heading towards a wrong way things was heating up and one can see it like this, if Hillary would have been elected that would have fueled the flames to a catastrophic result, so perhaps it was good that Mr Trump got elected for the side that has intentionally fueled divisions can be exposed for the rest of the public to see, because now 20% of the conservatives have woken up and perhaps America needed these conservatives to wake up and prevent something of catastrophic result, perhaps they would never had woken up if Hillary got elected, this is a valid argument, regardless, what happened had to happen and hopefully for the good, we can always hope, and the mishaps of Mr Trump must not be put on the shoulders of others because Mr Trump is a grown up man with his free will and he has the resources of the United States government so there is no one else to blame for his bad policies but himself, all his bad decisions are on him, so many times he could have come out as a hero for all but he blew it,much because he listened to Kushner and Miller instead of sound minded professionals.

Just vote Biden guys ! three more days then its a homerun baby :)
