France on urgent alert following Nice 'terror' attack

I hope Imran Khan Irans Supreme Prostitute Erdogan and these others are happy with what is going on, you are all a bunch of criminals in my eyes, you are all self serving criminals with much blood on your filthy hands, you are all now officially in my Bad Book, there will be consequences for this now, Macron is party responsible for not being helpful too, Macron is playing to his base too o this, so he also should share some of the blame, thats for damn sure.
What people need to about whats going on is this, first of all ! these lunatics that commit these kind of jihadi crimes you need to know something about them, these are people with psychological problems, deeply, it often times run in the family, these people are actually tired of life in this world, and when these corrupt criminals like the leaders I mentioned, when these leaders applaud these kind of crimes, these unstable jihadi lunatics who are tired of living when they get encouragement to commit a heinous crime like this, they are told that they will go to Paradise where they will have 72 virgins, and I have reposted the audio recording of the Holy Quran and you have now heard it yourselves, its NOTHING there that speaks of any of this nonsense, but these ignorant illiterate brainless extremists who none of them I am sure have ever opened a book in their whole lives are brainwashed by these leaders and their cronies and religious puppets because religions are all state controlled nowadays, these extremists are told that if they murder in the name of their faith , they will a moment later after they have been killed in action will end up in Paradise where they will have 72 females to do whatever the hell  they want up there, as if Paradise is a whore house like their own households they came from these criminals, while if you remember what God said in the Holy Quran that, we will be appointed (a) soulmate for each one that his or her spouse never made it to the promised dimension (Paradise), God has been very clear about this as you have read or heard by now but still we have these religious cult leaders and leaders of countries that brainwash their cult followers to believe... if you are tired of life here, all you need to do is to kill and murder some innocent person in the name of God and He will reward you with eternal peace, this is whats been taught to people in Egypt in Saudi Arabia in Jordan in UAE in all these countries where you still hear shit come out of, so of course I blame the leaders of these countries, and so the day of reckoning will come and visit them too, its a promise, these leaders cannot be allowed to continue like this, Good Trouble will come to pay them all a visit and it wont be very civil, Inshallah.
