How shia rabbis & priest acquire forehead marks

In Scriptures we were warned about this evil, we were told to look for those with the Mark of the Beast on their foreheads and on their hands, and other warnings came to us inform of Scriptures and the ONLY ones with a mark on their foreheads are the Shia mollas, the mark on the hand represent digital currency which Sweden has fully gone over to, and the shia mollas are about to go over to digital currency as many of you have learned about when the mollas openly talk about it, soon they will go funny digital and thats when things will really go south, but its on their agenda, and Prophet Mohammad also mentioned that a 70 000 man army of Satan will emerge from Iran, which is the hard core shia Sheitan IRGC, they say they have millions of followers but I believe its much less than that, the 70 000 number is more plausible, dont get yourself hung up by the exact 70 000 numer it could very likely be up to 100 000, but the actual number is around 70 000 to 100 000 hard core devil worshipers within the IRGC luciferian cult, the other millions they have,they are just ignorant people who think they are on the side of the good guys,they will eventually wake up to the fact that the shia mollas have been taken them for a long side for a long long time and they will in the end rise up against the IRGC and I hope they wake up sooner because the sooner the Iranian people realize the IRGC is their actual enemy the better for them, again listen to me friends, I have highlighted why the Shia mollas are so evil and corrupt, they do everything Scriptures has warned us to stay away from, and forget about everything else I have pointed to around their corruption and shady dealings, things that cannot as for now be proven, in the future it will rest assured of that, but let me just as point to one single fact that every Believer knows is very sinful and something God has warned all of us about, and that has to do with usury, the shia mollas are the masters of usury, even the IRGC have their own banks where they use usery to enslave people, and when you hear these fake internet sheikhs like Imran Hossain that cannot stop talking about usury yet he goes out to fully support any unclean regimes out there like the mollas of Iran and their IRGC when Imran knows very well he is full of crap, I want you to know these facts, that you only have to trust your own judgment, do NEVER take their words as gospel, they are rotten and as bad as it comes because they are the biggest hypocrites ever walked this earth, remember this, anyone that want to take the world into a digital currency is paving the way for the Evil one to grab full control of the world, and dont buy their rhetorics when they say, going digital is decentralizing, its not true, you should worry what comes after when everything has gone digital, thats when you have nothing to lean back on that is solid, have you ever thought about if war breaks out and EMPs are used, what good is your fake digital currency worth then, it wont be worth nothing and you will then have lost everything you thought you had, do as you please but dont say I never warned you, I wouldnt go digital for anything in the world, its too dangerous, just as you want your guns in your hands for maximum protection so you should have real currency in your hands too, guns and money goes hand in hand when you want to defeat Evil, you need BOTH !  
