How To Talk To Your MAGA Friends & Family

Good saying, here is something that you missed for obvious reasons so I take this upon me to add to the conversation, because the vast majority of the Trump supporters are deeply religious people, which is very good because what one also must do is to remind people that Mr Trump is precisely what Scriptures has talked about not to be like, Mr Trump is so anti scripture as one can be, he is the opposite of what Jesus or any other good men in Scripture were, take this with healthcare, I promise you all, if any of prophets of old were here with us right now, they would all seek to find a way for everyone to have access to healthcare, these good men would have not differentiated between citizens, take this how Jesus wore clothes, he likes seamless simple fabrics and that was it, he wouldnt go round with expensive clothes, he wouldnt have a golden toilet, he wouldnt have criminals as lawyers beside him, Julinai ! 
I think the way to get to many Trump supporters is through their faith, because their faith is teaching them not to be hypocrites, thats what they believe in, and they should act by it and put their trust in God instead of lies, why would anyone like to be lied to, a man of God wouldnt lie 30 000 times a year, that must be some kind of record or something, and thats a fact and everyone knows it, no one lies as much as Mr Trump, no one does that, not even his die hard supporters, I dont think I have lied 300 times in twenty years, I mean thats a lot of lies.
I would have said to a Trump supporter is, trust in God trust in yourself have faith be strong be honest and you know Mr Trump is not your guy, Joe Biden is many many times of a better choice, vote Biden ! I voted Biden yesterday so I am clear :)
