Iran sees one COVID-19 death every four minutes

Allow me to be fully honest with you, this is my view, its about the mollas, for centuries they never pursuit science nothing but occupying their minds around but their Twelvers dogmas, they are in fact an illiterate people in many sense, the shia mollas never contributed to any sciences but what I said, because its a cult, a cult is not interested in anything but what its grand wizards or witches has to say, the shia mollas are not different in that sense either, in fact the shia cult when it took over Iran killed science in Iran, what I am getting at is this, dont be surprised why they mess up everything from how to behave and treat people in terms of the economy and science, the only reason in this modern times they purside science is because of defence, they understood they were forced into investing in science not to benefit anyone or the economy but to use it as a tool to subjugate their citizens with, so they are pursuing it for wrong reasons, there are many illegal ventures the shia mollas have invested all their beings in like the heroin trade, like cloning, like weapon manufacturing, like with the issue of usury, even their IRGC have their own banks where they lend out money for interest, and this is the top of the isberg, underneath the water lever outside public eyes, they are and I have said this many times, they are pure Luciferians, they are involved in pedophilia in prostetution and much worse things, but thats beyond what people are willing to believe of them for now, it will all come out in its time but now, people need to understand this, the shia mollas are using all resources to strengthen themselves they are stealing peoples resources for their own means, dont expect anything good from them, its waste of time, they must be removed, all your problems is on them, never forget that, and let me end with this, if you manage to get rid of them, a week later all sanctions are lifted and oh boy, that will be times to live in, with the mollas gone, and defeated and humiliated. 
