Iraqi Politician: I Would Rather Be Ruled by ISIS than by Pro-Iranian Mi...

I do understand the anger and frustration from these IDIOTS who would choose one terrorist cult over the other terrorist cult, this goes to show these Iraqi leaders are still some of the biggest idiots ever walked this earth, because they never learn, and because of this, God has been testing these people over and over again and each time they fail bigger than before, look since beginning of our stay on this planet these people in Mesopotamia has been failing from day one, and they think they are so innocent which they are NOT, anyone who knows about the Iraqi or Arab or Persian culture knows, in each home basically from each home, their women are involved in some kind of sorcery and chatting with the Jinns, especially the women in the household and then they drag their men into this shit too, look if you are a westerner and dont know anything about what I am speaking of here, please listen keep your mouth closed if you are going to dismiss what I have stated because you dont know anything, I know as many Arabs as I know Iranians, and I can say, sorcery and chatting with the Jinns is much more common among especially Iraqi household and between Iranian Arabs living next to the Iraqi border in the south, these households are equally doing this, its like an epidemic for these people, their women rarely do not work outside their homes and this is what they all do as past time hobby, so naturally God punishes those doing this kind of stuff, its super serious stuff people, do not downplay this because its real and its like an epidemic, the reason I say this is because this corrupt mindset is embedded wit these people and thats why they never actually could stand up on their own because they have always followed the most corrupt way possible, and thats why Satan love their society because its corrupt and has been so for ages, the thing with these people is, they simply do not know what is right and what is wrong and people that cannot differentiate between good and bad guess what happens, the bad is always the one to visit first and so it goes on and has been going on, because look at this idiot in the interview, he is ready to choose ISIL over the molla cult not that they are better but because they are sunnis, here we go again, a so called learned man in a suit a politician is saying he rather have ISIL governing not because they are better than the mollas and their shia cult, but because they are sunnis, instead of asking for something better than both his idiot wants to get back to, (his) bad people, again I do fully understand his concerns, he is right, the shia mollas of Iran are looting Iraqs wealth, and guess who is supporting them, the many many many Iraqi immigrants to Iran which are in the millions now, they are supporting their Iraqi Iranian politicians to bring whats left in Iraq to Iran, this is whats happening right now, these people are the most ribal losers on the planet, because if you recall, the Creator divided the human race from where they are, and He did so for us to see and recognize our common humanity and that we were once one and the idea is to go back to that stage, but as you can see these Iraqis, have they learned anything or are they the way they always were before God divided them, the answer is clear, they are worse of today like from the day they were divided, God is always just, and now in this day of age with very little time, the question is, will these Iraqis finally wake up or will they go down like they always have, I know it will work itself out eventually the only question is, how many of them has to vanish before they wake up to reality, it remains to be seen.
