Jacinda Ardern Defeated COVID in New Zealand and Got Re-Elected in a Lan...

Thats a leader for you, she defeated Covid with her kungfu and we have been submitted by it because our president Mr Trump wants to play it down and not let the American learn about the invisible enemy sent by the Communists and didnt want to warn the American people how to prepare of what he knew would come eventually, I mean he said its gonna be ten times more infectious and dangerous than anything before hit us while other real leaders were honest with their people,they didnt choose the stock market over the health of the people and the overall health of the economy because look how much material damaged his decision cost in the end when it all could have been prevented early, its like you dont wait till you are just about to fall dead from cancer before you seek treatment, you deal with it immediately, naturally, you wouldnt waste a send to seek treatment, it just pains me to see, that everyone out there in the world have got this under control months ago and we are still debating if masks are helpful or not.
Mr Trump is not a good decision maker, and he is NOT good with money either, we know that, he is not a rich guy, it would surprise me if he even had a million dollars in cash, I think he has stuff at home all put together perhaps be worth a million in cash, I feel so poorly for him :( poor guy.
