Joe Biden Reacts to Surprise Message from Jacquelyn, the New York Time E...

Whomever meets with Joe Biden likes him and wants to cast their votes for him and whomever meets with Mr Trump six months later is written a book to reveal the corruption going on over there, even the generals are becoming outspoken, this is all possible because of mishandling of issue after issue, like at the outbreak of the Virus, Mr Trump could have acted a lot sooner not after months of pressure but if he had handled the Virus earlier, he would definitely come out as a hero and everything would be fine, but he listened to wrong people, like Stephen Thriller people like Kushner like many others, also like in the first presidential debate, whomever gave him advice on that debate are the same crazies because they later after the negative reaction to how the debate wnet for Mr Trump they silently admitted they need to choose another path, a nicer one like they did in the second debate but that woulnt matter because Uncle Joe was even more effective than he was the first time and won both debates, the point being made is, the Trump campaign after realizing they were wrong at the first debate had to come in terms with their mistakes and changed course, but it has to come to a defeat for them to realize the way forward is not the way ThrillerBoy or Kushner has suggested, they were wrong then and they cased Mr Trump his second term because they were not adaptable to reality on the ground, the chose the highest speed went like that till they broke the gear box which is Mr Trumps second presidency, so if you ask me whose fault it was, I just told you, the Usual Suspects.
Vote Biden Harris 2020 ! :):)
