Krystal and Saagar: Jared Kushner Blames Black Voters For Not Supporting...

Here is the thing of the matter, this administration will say whatever you want to hear to all parties but it doesnt work like that the way they do it, its like a liar, they eventually keep losing the track when you live in that kind of bubble thinking people wont live without them if they dont do as they say, and when you throw in the race of people it can get messy as you all saw in the Fox News interview with Jared Kushner, I believe Jared Kushner owes a apology to the African American community, he should just come out and say he is sorry for what he said there in that interview, I think he should make a public apology and set the record straight, because what he said there was very offensive toward people of color, he really should come out with a new statement, I think the American people wants to hear from him.
