"Milk Tea Alliance": How Thai protesters have learned from Hong Kongers ...

Although I am delighted to see different activist groups from many countries joining hands and their causes, I do NOT like milk in my tea, I never understood the concept, how can you drink tea with milk, milk goes good with coffee but it ruins any tea, anyways, the world is a strange place and I still have not got the hang of everything yet, but I do very much support our people from all across the world even though some like to drink their tea with milk, but to be serious again, what is happening is absolutely wonderful to see people have seen and found parts of their own humanity in other from other places striving for the same exact things and this is what we want, there is only one thing missing, we need alot more people on your side, you need to start recruiting more and more of your citizens to the cause, this should be your Nr1 task, this is even more important than demonstrating on the streets (peacefully) most of your efforts must go towards getting more people involved, and always remember, the Chinese Communist Cult is the enemy of all mankind, this is the biggest challenge mankind has faced thus far, just remember in what historic times we are living in, and I am planning to win this thing and I want all of you to stand firmly with us, because we are NOT going to allow these rats taking over the planet, over my dead body, it will NEVER happen.
May God be with the Hongkongers the Thailanders the Taiwanese people in Africa there is alot happening down there too, people say the Chinese Communist Cult is behind whats happening in Nigeria, the word is that the tyrannical corrupt security forces in Nigeria is funded by the Chinese Communist Cult, so these commies are creating chaos wherever the hell they go to these rats, and they bring their corruption to every parts of the world they go to like the cancer they are killing and corruption everything in their path, like Gog and Magog does, people of faith, we all MUST unite against this Evil, we should have done this long ago but we have our own corrupt individuals here in the west in the Europe in America in all over the place still shilling for these Chinese Communists in this Luciferian cult, but the rest of us, we know where we stand, we stand against the Chinese Communist Satanic Cult, this is what we stand against, and we are going NOWHERE, they will, we will be right here enjoying our victory over these losers, and thats how the story will end, were the good guys in the story and they are the bad corrupt losers in the story, and thats how again this story will end, Good vs Evil, this is whats all about, so unite all peoples with faith or lack of it, we still belong together, Evil is something else, its not you its not me its the Chinese Communist Cult, dont get distracted now, know your enemy !!!
