Pakistan summons French envoy, Morocco slams Prophet cartoon, as crisis ...

A leader like President Macron should have known better because you cannot say "Islam is in crisis" how can a religion be in crisis, people are in crisis not anyones religion, especially when this religion speaks nothing but reconciliation, Macron would never have said it about other religions, but he took it upon himself to insult all Muslims with this statement of his, he could have done this better and would have come out better than he did, perhaps President Macron wants to clarify to Muslims that their faith is not in crisis but some extremists who are mislead, mislead by their own cult leaders religious leader but President Macron is not helping here when he insults all Muslims, how is this going to calm things down, as everyone can see, he didnt made this easier for anyone, again perhaps he want to clarify that he didnt meant all Muslims, I fear if he doesnt take this step things could only get worse, right now there is still time to put this behind us, in a couple of day most likely this opportunity will pass by, he can still correct this, I am not saying everything is his fault but he is smart enough not to blame a faith billions practice and we dont want more extremists, and remember, all these extremists are out of many foreign policies by western countries and France bear a lot of responsibility for some of this, fifty years ago there were no extremists like we have today, lets not waste more time on blaming whoever, this crisis can be solved !
