Prince Harry says 'living a day' in Meghan's shoes​ taught him about unc...

I like global movements, very very much :) the kind of global movements that makes autocrats crap in their pants, lets drive everyone mad Prince Harry what do you say ! all the bad guys that is, all the good guys are with us, and how is my second favorite Princess doing ? all America was needed is their own American Royals, hey thats a great name for our coming reality show, America Runaway Royals, hey thats even better, we have to do this, its gonna be super popular, it will be the greatest show ever greater than anything before so lets just be honest to everyone and declare a few things for people, America is unofficially a monarchy, isnt that what everyone wants anyway ?? sure, they want to stay as a democracy which I agree with but unofficially, it can also be a monarchy, best of two worlds right here baby :):)
