Protests Erupt Over Walter Wallace ​Jr. Killing, Part 1 | The View

In situations like this I always ask myself what I would have done, judging from the pictures we have seen here, we saw an armed man chasing the officers in a way it actually looked dangerous but that aside for now, in a situation like we saw, I dont think a shrink could have stopped this man behaving like he was doing armed with a big knife, I am not sure of it of course but judging from what we all saw, I dont think a Shrink could have made him not behaving in a manner he did, and here is another point, when it comes to unstable persons, the only thing they have to see to get more afraid and then perhaps make a move that could be seen as threatening is the sight of a painted police car with lights on and a couple of armed police officers, thats all they have to see to behave in a more irrational manner, if such a case is reported and schrinks together with these police officers showed up, I dont think an unstable person would have seen the shrink first then the officers standing behind still armed still most likely with fire armed in their hands standing behind the shrink, it wouldnt have much of a calming effect on an unstable person, and you cant just let the shrink go in unprotected because you never know how the suspect would react, so sending shrinks like that would not have the same effect in all cases, in many of cases it would but in a situation like this one, I dont think I would let the shrink go in first, that would be too dangerous risking a shrinks life, this case was most unfortunate of course, so let me go back to the question of what I would have done if I was one of those officers, of course I wouldnt emptied half of my magazin in the suspect, whatI would have done is to fire at least two warning shots first in the air then if he still have not go the point by now, then (one) single shot in his leg or foot, and if that wouldnt be enough a second shot in his next leg or foot, so what I would like to see and this is my solution to all these shootings by officers is to legislate that before any shooting of a person outside on the streets, the officer is obliged to at least fire one warning shot before the officer shoots someone, I am not asking every officer in all situations to target the legs first, because it doesnt work optimally every time but a warning shot, that you can do almost in any situation, you can warn a suspect that you are serious instead of leafing some up and kill the person, in fact execute a person, because thats what you do when you shoot someone with 16 bullets, its insane, I am not asking every officer to be super brave but C mon, you accepted the job, you cant just kill someone because you are easily frightened, because thats how it looked like in this case and in so many other cases as well, and the best way for both parties is to legislate that officers must fire at least one or two warning shots first, then they can be more decisive, personally even after a warning shot, I wouldnt target the upper body before I have shot them in the legs or something, because we are talking about a human lives, cant just shoot people like that, it doesnt look good, and with a simple legislation, it will look better next time you have to do something, and it saves these police departments a whole lot of money they pay out to victims, its good for everybody, in this particular case, I blame both parties, just an advice friends, when an officer tell you to do something, you do it, dont act out, with a friendly smile you will get a long way with.
